Sunday, August 5, 2007


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The Church of San Simeon Piccolo, with a beautiful large green dome, located opposite the Santa Lucia train station, was built by Giovanni Scalfarotto (1690-1764) at the beginning of the 18th century and was intended to be a copy of the Pantheon in Rome. You can see the statue of San Salvatore on the top.

A Igreja de San Simeon Piccolo, com o belo domo verde, localiza-se do lado oposto da Estação de Trem Santa Lúcia e foi construída no começo do século 18 por Giovanni Scalfarotto (1690-1764), inspirada no Pantheon em Roma. No alto pode ser vista a estátua de San Salvatore.

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The Church Gli Scalzi is the first church that you meet when you leave the Saint Lucia Train Station. The church was built by Baldassarre Longhena from 1654.The architecture of the church remembers the Roman Baroque and the facade, made by Giuseppe Sardi, is the only one in all Venice built with Carrara marble.

A Igreja Gli Scalzi é a primeira igreja ao lado da Estação de Trem Santa Lúcia. A igreja foi construída por Baldassarre Longhena em 1654. A arquitetura da igreja lembra as igrejas barrocas romanas e a fachada, criada por Giuseppe Sardi, é a única em toda Veneza que foi construída com mármore de Carrara.

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The Grand Canal is the main water road in Venice and one of the symbol of the town and it crossing the city. It begins near Piazzale Roma, the entrance point to the city from mainland and leads to Piazza San Marco and to the lagoon, in front of the isle of Giudecca. By the years the sides of Canal Grande became a residential area and on its sides had been built the palaces of the most important noble families in Venice.

O Grande Canal é a principal via aquática de Veneza e um dos símbolos da cidade. O Grande Canal corta a cidade, começando perto da Praça Roma e indo até a Praça São Marcos, em frente à ilha Giudecca. Durante muitos anos foi uma área residencial onde foram construídos os palácios de importantes e nobres famílias de Veneza.

Photos by Fernando de Amorim Mascaro


Ming the Merciless said...

I went to Venice in 1981 when I was a kid. These photos bring back a lot of good memories. I want to go back to Venice one day.

Nice photo, especially of the canal and the boats.

Peter said...

So, here they are, the expected additional photos from Venice.

Just seeing the first one I got some kind of emotional shock. It reminded me about the feeling I had when stepping our of the Santa Lucia station. I immediately felt that I would love this - and I did - despite a warm weather and a lot of tourists.

I must go back again. The place contains so much to see - even outside the normal tourist "attractions". Every part of the city is a beauty. All chruches are full of master pîeces.

Anonymous said...

Sonia, eu estive lá umas tres vezes, a ultima em maio de 2005, e um parente nosso Cimitan Lunardelli era o secretário de Turismo, e fui agraciado com um lindo livro com fotos antigas e atuais dos mesmos lugares. Muito bonito. Mas da primeira vez, por volta de 1994/5 era outra Veneza. Desta última , um frio (maio), um monte de gente (feia), um turismo desenfreado, tudo lotado, não gostei, e acho que não preciso mais voltar. Bjs

isa said...

Thank you for that wonderful tour of Venice!

Dsole said...

Hi Sonia and Fernando,
What a beautiful photos of Venice!
I was there in November and weather was cold, and sky was grey... it looks really better in your sunny photos... but you bring me back to memory some beautiful moments that I had lived there!

Maria Clarinda said...

Expectacular.As fotos e o texto.

Pod said...

hey! thanks for all your kind commentarios! venice looks great!